IPL 10: Virat Kohli should look himself in mirror, slams Sunil Gavaskar. Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar has criticised the approach of RCB batsmen including captain Virat Kohli against KXIP. RCB's batting unit failed yet again as they could not chase down 139 against KXIP. Gavaskar said Kohli needed to look himself in the mirror for the shot he tried and got bowled against paceman Sandeep Sharma.He said, "The first thing he should be doing is look at himself in the mirror. The shot he played wasn't exactly a great shot. So he has got to say to himself. He is the captain. He has got to stay there at the crease. He is not in form so stay there and work yourself with proper cricketing shots. Then widen the scope of your shots," he added.
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